Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

A very merry Christmas to you!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Things that Reproduce When You Aren't Looking

Based on my personal experience, following is my list of the top 10 items that reproduce when I'm not looking:

1. Spare change in the bottom of my purse
2. Wire hangers from the dry cleaners
3. Laundry (dirty)
4. Britney Spears
5. Unread/Unanswered E-mails (work account)
6. Undeleted Junk E-mails (personal account)
7. Coupons for Restaurants I Will Never Visit
8. Laundry (clean, needs folding)
9. Stray Cats at the Back Door (after you give in ONE time and set out some tuna...)
10. Small Items that Nevertheless Make My Rolling Laptop Bag Even Heavier

On a completely unrelated note, I believe that Coach Leathergoods is coming after me directly - not sure if this is an attempt to control my thoughts, but really...how would they know that I collect snowmen and Santas, or that I carry one of my red Coach bags during the winter? How?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

So Tonight Thank God it's Them Instead of You

We got our power back last night and are among the very, very fortunate.


As of right now, there are 92,000 PSO customers who are without power. A "customer" is the name on the bill, and doesn't account for all of those living within the home, or affected by the closure of a business - for many, lost time equals lost pay.

Go here if you want to help one of those who are still without lights, warmth, food, or the ability to sleep in their own beds at Christmastime:


Think I'm being sanctimonious? That's OK. Give me a call and we'll talk about it.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Movie Review

If you have the time and inclination, I highly recommend going to see "The Mist". This movie is adapted from a novella by my favorite author, Stephen King. Overall, the movie stays true to the story, up until the end. Literally. It's not particularly frightening, however, it is extremely disturbing at a couple of points, and kind of gory. In the last 3.5 years, I have seen exactly 2 movies in the theater - I fell asleep halfway through the first one (Bourne Ultimatum). I did NOT fall asleep during this movie, and I guarantee you won't, either.

I do not recommend going to see this movie at Promenade Mall on a Saturday evening, when the patrons seem 1. unaware that this movie is not a comedy, 2. oblivious to the fact that their conversations tend to drown out dialogue, and 3. defensive when a mouthy white girl states upon finding said patrons talking in a group outside the theater door "it's amazing they still have anything to discuss since they couldn't shut the FUCK up during the movie". (Note to self - bravery is good, self preservation should be considered.)

Here's the rant: When I decide to watch a movie, either at home or in the theater, suspension of reality is key. Observations regarding character development, plot, similarities in decorating style to one's own, movie star exploits, events of the day, upcoming restroom visits, etc. are neither needed nor desired. In these situations, I first ignore the offending party and stare ahead at the screen without responding. Next follows a slight glare. If the talker is a person I know, I generally respond with "hmm" or "disgusted sigh". In the theater, I am a shusher, loud sigh-er, and a "shut the fuck up" mutterer to those I don't know - the cover of darkness and the shield of righteous indignation fuel my rage. Dave and I are of the same mind on this - we will pick up the remote at our own home or that of others, stop a movie, and look pointedly at the offending party. I once had a friend named Anne who would simply hold up a finger, point it at the screen, and say "show" - it was highly effective.

In other news, Three Year Old is pretty much potty-trained, and he got it down in less than a week. We are the very proud parents of a super handsome, smart, and grown up little guy. Also, for the first time in the history of civilization, my mother and I both plan to vote for the same presidential candidate. By my count, that's TWO Christmas miracles.